Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why start a blog? ... I am asked by my husband

Yesterday I was tutored by a dear friend on the ins and outs of starting up a blog. My husband asks, "why do you need a blog?" Since having my life take an abrupt complete 90 degree turn in February after being laid off from my long-time lucrative but highly stressful job, I have used the last 7 months to get on a path to someplace... hopefully a path that will provide a new and exciting career along with meeting the nurturing needs of my family and myself. It is a tough job to be a stay-at-home mom and sometimes not very exciting. I am on the quest to find meaning to all this and more. I have also begun individual therapy sessions to go hand-in-hand with this blog. There are just some things regarding family and such that I choose not to air out and dissect in a public forum that could potentially cause more stress in my life, if such people don't care for what I have said. I will leave that for behind closed doors with my therapist. For all the rest, I will share because life is sometime just not as it seems... See definition of Red Herring!

So this is why, my dear husband, I am blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Well, well...looks like I am your first comment and your first Follower. I'm so happy you decided to take the plunge and be a fellow blogger! You will do amazing things and I'm sure you will have funny, inspiring and touching stories to tell.

    Good Luck Blogging!
    xo, ang
