Thursday, October 8, 2009

In the moment

One of the best inventions ever, for me, is the DVR. We are able to record and keep the whole series of Backyardigans for Pirate, Angelina Ballerina can be played whenever Princess is feeling her Angelina fix. Dear Husband can watch and rewatch a Raider game and I get to watch Oprah, after the kids go to sleep.

I am a few days backed up on watching my recorded Oprahs' but watched one today that aired earlier in the week. The show began about the horrible murder that took place in Florida and left 9 adopted special needs kids without their parents. The second segment was about a husband and wife that were in a fiery plane crash and survived. The segment mostly focused on the challenges of the mother now that she recovers and caring for her 4 children. That particular segment made such an effect on me. The Oprah show did a brilliant experiment and sent a frazzled stay-at-home home to spend the day with this burned mother. What an eye-opener for the visiting mom and me! The lesson to be learned is 'live in the moment' with your children. Sometimes I know we all, including me, get carried away with the chores & errands, email and the silly little time wasters in life. This show reminded me that our time with our children is a blessing and goes very quickly and we will never get it back.

I can't wait for Pirate to wake up from his nap today and pick Princess up from school so that I can practice living in the moment with them. Of course life does require dinner to be made, etc. but I plan on beginning to shift my focus and bring myself into the moment as much as possible with the kids.

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