Thursday, February 20, 2014

We finally have our Art Gallery

Have you ever wished for something but it wasn't a necessity, so you never made it a priority? (wow! what a run-on sentence that is!)

Since my kiddos started their school careers, my kids have been coming home with some fabulous completed art projects. I am not saying my kids are the next Vincent Van Gogh or Matisse. What I am saying is that with the lack of money to teach art in the schools, Pinterest has come to the rescue. The art projects are terrific and above & beyond what I was ever was taught or inspired to create in elementary school.

I have been challenged to find a place to honor their masterpieces and not litter up the refrigerator & essentially devaluing their creations. I had the Wall. I had the Vision. I had the Artwork..... but I never found exactly what I was looking for. That all came to an end the other day when it arrived beautifully packaged on my front doorstep. Tah-dah! Here it is! Today is a very exciting day for me. (It isn't my style to attach so much happiness to a non-living thing but I have made an exception for this!)

The concept of this wonderful frame is that it is a rotating art gallery... sometime displaying both kids' art, sometimes featuring just one masterpiece. The one rule is that no one's feelings get hurt when the current art show rotates to highlight some new item(s). We all admire and praise each others work. The intention is to allow each kiddo to showpiece, what they consider, their best artwork and my goal is to have something fun and funky, that is colorful and ever-changing on our wall.. Mission accomplished x2.

The moral to my little story is... Sometimes the simplest or smallest things can make us so happy and  bring joy to us. Today is one of those days for me.

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