Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another sad story...

Our 21-year old nephew has just buried his second friend in the past two years, who has died as a result of driving a street bike. We knew both of the kids. They had been in our home over the years . One of them we had taken camping with us a few times when he was twelve or so. The other worked for Dear Husband for a period of time.

It makes me very sad for the mothers of these boys. They have to live with the horror for the rest of their lives because their sons thought that they were invisible and never thought it would happen to them. I keep on playing it over and over in my head. What will I do if and when the day comes that Pirate buys a street bike? He's only 2 but it has got to be a mother's worst nightmare when their baby (a young man who has only legally been driving for a few years) buys a street bike. I have years to prepare for this but are you ever really ready for that day?

My hearts and prayers go out to these two mothers. I can't even imagine their pain.

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