Sunday, August 30, 2009

How does the song go?....

"Meet new friends and keep the old. Some are silver and the others gold"

Random question - Have you ever thought about all the different types of friends that you have? I have and here's what I have come up with...

  • best friend
  • old friend
  • family friend
  • friend you really don't like
  • long-lost friend
  • work friend
  • friend of a friend
  • your husband's friend's wife
  • neighbor friend
  • occasional 'meet for drinks' friend
  • 'keeper of all your secrets' friend (not always your best friend)
  • childhood friend
  • new friend
  • almost forgot this one.... Facebook friend

The list could go on and on if I let it. In reflecting about all the different types of friendships, I realize they all come with their own set of rules. Not rules that everyone agrees to up front but unspoken rules depending on which catergory of friend you are dealing with. How do you go from being the neighbor friend to the best friend? And is that wise? Are your work friends really friends or is it just because you see them day in and day out, 40 hours a week. Would you tell your husband's friend's wife (because of course you have to be friends with her ,too) the same thing you would tell your 'meet for drinks' friend'? Have you lost a friend that you would love to have back? Is there a friend that you need to take a 'relationship vacation' from to reassess the friendship and it's value? Have you ever just wished for one friend that could be everything? Some people would say that is a 'best' friend. I would disagree. A best friend comes with a whole list of rules too. Sometime the most complicated rules.

Since beginning my therapy sessions, I have given this topic a lot of thought. Trust me, I have not wasted my expensive, bi-weekly sessions on this topic but something triggered me to contemplate the idea on my own time. We can have all these friends listed above and still feel so lonely and with no one to talk to. Is it time to let some friendships go so there is opportunites for new ones or exisiting ones to flourish? Can you have too many friends? Are they really your friend? The person who dies with the most friends, isn't the winner. Why do people tell you to get more friends?

Just a little food for thought.............

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